
Cardiovascular disease which encompasses ischemic heart disease, heart failure, arrhythmias and a number of vascular diseases is currently the number one cause of death and disability worldwide. The past century has demonstrated remarkable results within treatment of cardiovascular disease, showing a significant reduction in mortality. However, cardiovascular mortality is no longer decreasing, and globally the incidence and prevalence of cardiovascular disease is increasing.

Collaboration across disciplines

Thus, new and improved prevention strategies are needed to solve this complex challenge. This can be done by combining and exploring the interfaces between different disease entities and initiating and supporting collaborations across disciplines to close the gaps in knowledge between the cardiovascular area and the many diseases that have cardiovascular complications.

Cardiovascular network

Denmark has a long tradition for cardiovascular research. And for the first time, a united national effort addresses the complex challenges in cardiovascular disease. The Danish Cardiovascular Academy will support interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral research and strengthen the Danish cardiovascular network. Furthermore, events and courses at PhD and postdoctoral levels will be core initiatives of the academy. International links will be supported through a visiting Professor programme which will further enhance knowledge transfer.

"With the academy, we wish to offer additional possibilities for the next generation of researchers. High quality courses, enhanced research possibilities, and a strong cardiovascular network will be among our efforts that will be beneficial."

Christian Aalkjær,
Executive Managing Director,
Danish Cardiovascular Academy.