DCAcademy grant recipients 2023: Highlights from the introduction course

The DCAcademy introduction course from the 15th-16th of August gave the new PhD and postdoctoral grant recipients the possibility to learn about the DCAcademy and network across disciplines within the cardiovascular field.

Photo: Nicolai Hildebrand, AU Foto. From left: Tarannum Ara, Tanita Drejer Jeppesen, Malene Højgaard Andersen, Nicklas Vinter, Jakob Solgaard Jensen, Majid Khazaee, Kevin Kris Warnakula Olesen, Jonas Lynggaard Isaksen, Malene Lykke Wind, Kristine Kyle de Leon, Menachem Viktor Khamo Sarusie, Caroline Espersen, Andreas Andersen, Peter Engel Thomas, Tobias Skjeldbred, Anton Friis Mariager, Kristina Cecilie Miger, Jonathan Samuel Achter, Louise Aas Holm, Lisa Amalie Gottlieb, Gunnar Gislason - The Danish Heart Foundation & Christian Aalkjær - The Danish Cardiovascular Academy
Photo: Nicolai Hildebrand, AU Foto

On the 15th-16th of August 20 DCAcademy grant recipients met at the annual introduction course at Gl. Avernæs, Funen. Earlier this summer, they got the positive news that they had received either a PhD scholarship or a postdoctoral fellowship.

The introduction course contained inspirational presentations within the cardiovascular field, teambuilding activities, celebration of the grant recipients being appointed as science ambassadors and a lot of networking.

Different research projects gave inspiration for future collaborations

Only a few hours after meeting each other, the recipients had to present their research projects in front of each other.

While the recipients presented their research projects, it became clear that the topics of the 2023 grant recipients’ projects span broadly. With topics from AI-triaging of patients with possible acute myocardial infarction, to examining atrial mechano-electrical coupling in obstructive sleep apnea, and study if a healthy lifestyle before and during pregnancy can prevent childhood obesity.

This inspired a lot of the recipients to ask curious questions and network during the course.

One of the recipients, Caroline Espersen, PhD student, saw an opportunity within the diverse field of the cardiovascular topics:

“We could collaborate in the future, do some interdisciplinary projects and benefit from each other’s experiences and knowledge”.

DCAcademy grant recipient program contributes to a cohort feeling  

The diverse research projects also gave time to reflect upon the format of the introduction course. Jonas Lynggaard Isaksen, postdoctoral fellow, comments on the possibility of becoming a part of the DCAcademy grant recipient program:

“The DCAcademy program gives a cohort feeling. It feels like we are entering a program we are central to. This program gives an extraordinary opportunity to meet and spare with each other across disciplines”.  

To strengthen the cohort feeling within the diverse projects the DCAcademy program also consists of a peer-mentoring program, where the recipients will meet in groups of five a couple of times each year during their project period.

Science ambassadors

One of the biggest highlights of the course was when the recipients were appointed as science ambassadors. The ambassadorship is given between the Danish Heart Foundation and the Danish Cardiovascular Academy.

With this appointment follows an obligation to communicate the research emanating from the grant, particularly towards Danish patients with cardiovascular diseases.

“I want to congratulate the 2023 grant recipients of being appointed as science ambassadors. I am looking forward to following your research and results in the future,” says Christian Aalkjær, Executive Managing Director, DCAcademy.