PhD course: Cardiovascular Winter School at Univ. of Copenhagen
Join this Winter School at University of Copenhagen. Communication, presentation techniques, abstract writing, poster production and presentation will be among the topics.
Info about event
Join this Winter School at Copenhagen University and improve your communicative skills and thereby ensuring a larger impact of your PhD project.
The first two days will be divided into three different courses depending on how far you are in your PhD studies. The third day will be summarizing the learning points and provide you with the possibility to present your work.
Day 1-2 (5th and 6th of January 2022) consists of workshops focusing on different skills relevant to the different stages of the graduate studies.
- 1st year students will attend the course on ‘writing skills in academia’
- 2nd year students will attend the course on ‘Posters: can they deliver the goods? Yes!’
- 3rd year students will attend the course on ‘Communication & presentation in the academic context
Day 3 (14th of January 2022) Plenary lectures and presentations from the PhD students in the graduate program in cardiovascular research: 2nd year PhD students present their research projects on posters and 3rd year PhD students present their projects orally. A CardioDinner will wrap up the course.
Who can attend:
Cardiovascular Winter School is mandatory for all PhD students enrolled in the Cardiovascular Research Program form 1st of January 2021 and later. PhD students from any university in Denmark can attend. As a PhD student in the Cardiovascular Research Program you must attend two out of three Winter Schools during the course of your PhD study.
Time: 5th and 6th of January 2022 & 14th of January 2022
Place: University of Copenhagen
Registration: Under this link
Reimbursement of costs related to this PhD course
You can apply Danish Cardiovascular Academy for reimbursement of travel and accommodation cost if you live far from Copenhagen. A reimbursement of course fee is in some cases also possible.
For more information:
Reimbursement of costs related to PhD courses (