PhD course: Integrative Human Cardiovascular Control

This course covers important theoretical and practical aspects of methods in integrative human cardiovascular studies. Students will get hands on experiences with relevant techniques.

Info about event


Monday 16 May 2022, at 09:00 - Friday 20 May 2022, at 15:00




University of Copenhagen - Jaime Finkelstein:

This course covers important theoretical and practical aspects of methods in integrative human cardiovascular studies. The purpose is to provide the participants with knowledge of advantages and pitfalls of these methods during lectures and demonstrating methods, the course gives participants hands-on experience during practical sessions.

Who can attend?
PhD students working with cardiovascular physiology/pathophysiology – i.e. medical, human biology, human physiology or animal biology.

Aim of the course:
The student will get hands on experience with some of the available techniques (Doppler flow, echocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging of the heart, determination of cardiac output and blood volume, evaluation of arterial baroreceptor function), experiments on animals and work with study design. Oral presentation of project etc.

Course leaders:

  • Niels H. Secher, MD, DMSc, Professor
  • Mads Fischer MSc, PhD fellow

Reimbursement of transport and accommodation:

If you wish to attend a PhD course, you can apply DCAcademy for a course grant to cover travel, accommodation, and course fees - up to DKK 3,000 DKK.

Read more on reimbursement possibilities